Condies News Round Up – June 2024

House prices fall for the second month in a row; UK predicted slowest growth among rich nations; SME energy standing charges are too high; and MPS warn unfair banking is harming small firms.

Spotlight on: Wealth planning for you and your family

Financial planning is undoubtedly the bedrock of successful wealth management, serving as the critical first step in a lifelong journey of financial growth and security. The process begins with a thorough evaluation of your current financial situation, a crucial stage that involves a detailed analysis of your assets, liabilities, income and expenditures. This comprehensive review is not just about numbers; it’s about understanding the story behind your financial decisions and how they align with your future goals.

Spotlight on: Business valuation – knowing your company’s worth

Understanding your business’s value is more than a number on a balance sheet – it’s a crucial indicator of your company’s health and future potential. Whether considering a sale, seeking investment or planning strategic moves, a precise valuation provides robust information. With this spotlight, we aim to guide you through the essentials of business valuation, helping you realise your company’s worth in clear terms.

Condies News Round Up – May 2024

House prices grow slowly in March; Stealth tax freeze threatens income of pensioners; Enhanced Child Benefit payments set to commence; and Brexit charges could lead to higher food prices.

Spotlight on: Debt management strategies

Managing debt effectively is an increasingly crucial component of personal financial health in today’s economic climate. With rising living costs and the easy availability of credit, it’s easy to find yourself in  a situation where debt becomes overwhelming. This guide offers you practical and effective strategies tailored for managing your debt.